Tessco Technologies, Ventev Branding

Tessco Technologies, Ventev Branding

Tessco Technologies, Ventev Branding

Tessco Technologies, Ventev Branding

Tessco Technologies, Ventev Branding

Tessco Technologies, Ventev Branding
Tessco Technologies
Tessco Technologies, Inc is a value-added technology distributor, manufacturer and solutions provider.
Consumer Electronics / Technology
Ventev New Brand Identity
Ventev was a new unit of Tessco Technologies that was created to address opportunities to enhance wireless technologies that were going unserved by their manufacturer partners. The brand was both consumer-facing and business to business targeted.
To create an original brand identity for a new high-end unit of Tessco Technologies, Ventev. Ventev will produce and sell consumer electronic accessories and tools for professionals.
The new custom wordmark was created to convey a sense of the connectivity that today’s technology provides us. The new identity, while successfully speaking to the professional tools segment, remains friendly enough to appeal to the consumer accessories market.
The client liked the wordmark so much that we were able to create a proprietary font, Ventev Script, and usage guidelines. The new identity has been very well received and was launched through their website and across packaging and products.